A pattern of purpose
At LS&Co., although our values run deep, we are still in the early stages of building our strength and dexterity as an organization successful in driving strategic diversity and evolving inclusion to belonging. A key part of that effort is a focus on programs with purpose.
For us, programs with purpose are not only critical to building a strong and sustainable infrastructure, they also align to our values and commitments to increase DE&I globally.
In 2021, we focused these programs in 3 key areas. Descriptions of each of the programs supporting these areas are included below:

Building Our Capabilities
#ThePledge, our global training initiative and Global Self-Identification

Investing in Our Talent
TedWomen, ALPHA L.E.A.D. program and McKinsey Black Leadership Academy

Driving Equity
Affirmative Action, Honoring Our Heroes and Supplier Inclusion & Supply Chain Equity