Happy #CargoFriday.
No really, it’s a thing now. Or at least many feel it ought to be, according the likes of the Wall Street Journal and the internet at large.
As WSJ writer Nicole Wong wrote, “I apologize to the world for igniting the Cargo Shorts Wars of 2016.”
The khaki struggle is real, people. Battle lines are being drawn in the wardrobes of those who love their cargos and those who can’t stand the sight of them, particularly on their significant others. It’s sparked viral hashtags like #TeamCargo and #CargoFriday as well as support from everyone from celebrities like Judd Apatow to the men of the WSJ newsroom itself.
As for us, we’re pro-shorts of all pocket preferences — cargo or no-go.
That said, today’s cargo shorts are no longer just the baggy, saggy bottoms of the ‘90s. Dockers® cargos are modern and sleek without sacrificing utility or comfort. Wear them proudly with the assurance that you have room for all the things you need throughout the day.
Still not convinced cargo is for you or your loved ones? Don’t worry, we’ve got some looks for you too.
So today, bare a little leg and stand proud of whichever short solution you prefer. We got your precious cargo right here:
Shop shorts at Dockers.com today.

How to Pull Off Cargo Shorts in Style. Seriously.
August 12, 2016