Categories for Values

Braddock, PA 15104Braddock, PA 15104

When you Google “Braddock, Pennsylvania,” the search results feature terms like “distressed municipality,” “boarded-up storefronts,” and “high unemployment.” Braddock won’t…

Blog Entry - Values - June 24, 2010

I Got the Music in MeI Got the Music in Me

Music is, arguably, the art form that inspires more people than any other. From babies who start bouncing the moment…

Blog Entry - Values - June 21, 2010

Government-approved Child LaborGovernment-approved Child Labor

My 9-year-old son’s list of daily tasks is pretty brief. Make your bed. Feed the dog. Do your homework. Pick…

Blog Entry - Values - June 9, 2010

The Coolest Kid on the BlockThe Coolest Kid on the Block

When I was growing up in San Francisco’s Mission district, the coolest kid on the block was this guy named…

Blog Entry - Values - June 8, 2010